Page Owner for Confluence Documentation

Page Owner for Confluence Documentation

Important Note

Please note, this App was designed before Atlassian changed the Creator of a page in Confluence to be the Owner of the page and allowed you to change the Owner. This app does not allow to change the “Owned by” referred to by Confluence but instead adds a new piece of data. We have released a new App to provide similar functionality to this App but which works with the updated Owned By field Page Owner Tools and Reports.

Page Owner for Confluence allows you to change and query pages using the Page Owner shown in green below. It does not make use of the “Owned by” data shown in red below.

Changing the Owner of an individual page

  1. Locate the Page Owner display at the top of the page

  2. Click anywhere on the Page Owner text

  3. The following popup should appear

  4. Scroll or search to find the User you want to own the page

  5. Click on that user to select them

  6. Click the Submit button

  7. Wait for the Submit button to finish spinning

  8. The popup will close and the Page Owner text will be updated


Setting Page Owners to default to the Page Creator

By default, all Pages which do not have an owner explicitly set, will default to having the owner not set as shown below.

You can toggle a setting on the Admin Page to make Pages default to being owned by the user who created the Page.

  1. Click on the Apps tab at the top of Confluence

  2. Select Manage Apps

  3. Select Page Owner Settings

  4. You should see the following at the bottom of the page.

  5. Click the toggle to switch to your desired setting.

  6. Press the “Save default Page Owner setting change” button to save your changes. If you have set the toggle to on then all pages will default to being owned by the Page Creator. If you then toggle this setting off again, any pages which you haven’t explicitly set will go back to not being owned by anyone.

Bulk changing all pages owned by one user to all be owned by another user

  1. Click on the Apps tab at the top of Confluence

  2. Select Manage Apps

  3. Select Page Owner Settings

  4. You should see the following on the page

  5. First select the User you want to change the pages from in the first select box, only Users who own pages will be listed

  6. Then select the User to change the Page Owner to by scrolling or searching

  7. Once both users are selected, press the Perform Bulk Change button

  8. Wait for the Perform Bulk Change button to stop spinning and all the changes will have been made


Receiving a notification/comment when the Page Owner is changed

If you do not see this option, please make sure you have updated to the latest version of Page Owner

Please note, this comment does not happen for Bulk Changes

If this setting is enabled, Page Owner can add a comment to a page whenever the Page Owner changes. This comment will include an @ mention of the new Page Owner so that they receive a notification. The comment will appear to be posted by the person who made them the Page Owner so that the new owner can know this too. For example:

By default the commenting is disabled, to enable it, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Apps tab at the top of Confluence

  2. Select Manage Apps

  3. Select Page Owner Settings

  4. You should see the following on the page

  5. Click the toggle to switch between to your desired setting

  6. Press the “Save comment setting change” button to save your change.

Seeing which pages people own

If you do not see this option, please make sure you have updated to the latest version of Page Owner

  1. Locate and click the “Apps” button at the top of Confluence

  2. Click the “Page Owner - Owned Pages” button


  3. You should see the following page

  4. Select a User by clicking the Select dropdown and clicking on a username

  5. (Optional) Select a Space to only receive results from that Space. Leave on All Spaces if you want to see results from all of your Confluence.

  6. (Optional) Toggle Display Confluence Page Status if you want the results to include the Page Status of the page. The results table will be sorted by Page Status and will show pages with statuses set above pages without statuses set. See this link for more information on Confluence Page Status.

  7. Press the View Owned Pages button

  8. You will then see that users Owned Pages (If a user owns any pages which you do not have access to, you will not see them in the list).

  9. If there is more than one page of results, then you the buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate to more pages

Seeing which pages do not currently have an owner

If you do not see this option, please make sure you have updated to the latest version of Page Owner

  1. Locate and click the “Apps” button at the top of Confluence

  2. Click the “Page Owner - Owned Pages” button


  3. You should see the following page

  4. Select “Pages without an Owner” by clicking the Select dropdown and clicking on “Pages without an Owner” at the bottom of the list

  5. (Optional) Select a Space to only receive results from that Space. Leave on All Spaces if you want to see results from all of your Confluence.

  6. (Optional) Toggle Display Confluence Page Status if you want the results to include the Page Status of the page. See this link for more information on Confluence Page Status

  7. Press the View Owned Pages button

  8. You will then see a table of Pages without Owners. Press the View Owned Pages button again to load more Pages without Owners

Generating a Space Report

Page Owner can generate a Space Report which shows you all Pages in a Space and their Page Owners. It can optionally also display the Confluence Page Status of the Page.

  1. Locate and click the “Apps” button at the top of Confluence

  2. Click the “Page Owner - Owned Pages” button


  3. You should see the following section on the page:

  4. Select a Space from the dropdown and optionally tick the “Display Confluence Page Status” checkbox.

  5. Then press Generate Space Report and you will be shown a table of all pages in a Space with a column for the Page Title (including a link), the Page Owner and optionally the Page Status.


Additional Status

Page Owner optionally lets you setup a custom Additional Status to be displayed on each page alongside the Page Owner. This Additional Status can then be seen in the various reports on the Page Owner - Owned Pages page.

Setting up the Additional Status

To setup Additional Status for Page Owner, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Apps tab at the top of Confluence

  2. Select Manage Apps

  3. Select Page Owner Settings

  4. You should see the following at the bottom of the page

  5. Enable Additional Status by Clicking the “Enable Additional Status” checkbox.

  6. Optionally enable the “Make a comment on the page when the Additional Status is changed?” setting. This will leave a comment on the page from whichever user changed the status saying what they have changed the status to. This helps to keep track of who is changing statuses. An example comment is shown below:

  7. You must give the status a name in the “Name of Additional Status” field. This name is used to show to users in the Page Owner status and in the dropdown when changing the Page Owner or Additional Status as shown in the screenshots below:

  8. Optionally insert a link, in the “Link to Description of Additional Status” field. This will be displayed to users and linked to when a user edits the Page Owner/Additional Status settings for a page:

  9. Enter text for up to 6 Possible Statuses. These are the options which Users will be able to choose from when setting the Additional Status. All Pages will default to having their initial status be

    “Name of Possible Status 1” so this value must be set and should be a suitable default. You do not need to fill every Possible Status. If you need more than 6 Possible Statuses then please email pageOwner@grovr.co.uk.

  10. Make sure to press the “Save Additional Status changes” button once you have setup the details for your status.

Any changes you make to the Name of Possible Statuses do not apply to existing Pages so if you do make a change you may need to go through Pages with the old Status Names and update them.

Seeing the Additional Status of a Page

Once you have enabled Additional Status, all Confluence Pages will display the Additional Status next to the Page Owner in the status bar at the top of a Page:

Setting the Additional Status of a Page

  1. Click anywhere on the Page Owner/Additional Status text on a Page. You should see a popup similar to below:

  2. Click the dropdown underneath “Change [Name of Additional Status] to” and select the Status you want to change the Page to.

  3. Press the Submit button.

  4. After submitting the Page Owner/Additional Status text will update to display the new status

  5. If the “Leave Comment” setting for Additional Status has been enabled then a comment will be left on the page saying what the Additional Status has been set to.


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