CSV To Table for Confluence 6.x Documentation

CSV To Table for Confluence 6.x Documentation

Using the UI

  1. Select the macro browser:
  2. Search for CSV and select CSV to Table: 
  3. Tick the box if you want the first row to be a header:
  4. Change the separator field if you want to use anything other than ,
  5. Set the Remote Url field to the url of a remote CSV if you want your CSV data to come from there.
  6. Select an attachment from the dropdown if you want your CSV data to come from there (Only available with Server version)
  7. Press "Insert"
  8. If you have not entered a Remote Url or selected an Attachment then you can write or paste your CSV contents into the body provided:

As a Command

If the first row is a header


If the first row is not a header


To use a remote url


To use more than one parameter


Write or paste your CSV contents into the body provided:

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