CSV To Table for Confluence 6.x Documentation
CSV To Table for Confluence 6.x Documentation
Using the UI
- Select the macro browser:
- Search for CSV and select CSV to Table:
- Tick the box if you want the first row to be a header:
- Change the separator field if you want to use anything other than ,
- Set the Remote Url field to the url of a remote CSV if you want your CSV data to come from there.
- Select an attachment from the dropdown if you want your CSV data to come from there (Only available with Server version)
- Press "Insert"
- If you have not entered a Remote Url or selected an Attachment then you can write or paste your CSV contents into the body provided:
As a Command
If the first row is a header
If the first row is not a header
To use a remote url
To use more than one parameter
Write or paste your CSV contents into the body provided: